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Air Cmde (Dr) Sanjay Sharma (Retd)

An alumnus of AFMC Pune, Dr Sanjay Sharma has the distinction of being the first consultant administration of the Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS), India. He was trained in pediatrics at the Army Hospital R&R, Delhi, and completed his masters in management studies from Osmania University. He commanded two Air Force hospitals and represented AFMS in international fora. He coordinated national and international humanitarian aid and disaster relief operations, and was awarded ‘Commendation by the Chief of Air Staff’ in 2013.

He is a proud parent of a transgender woman and an active member of ‘Sweekar: The Rainbow Parents’, a parent support group for LGBTQIA+ persons. He is the founding director and CEO of the Association for Transgender Health in India (ATHI). As a member of the advisory committee –- Transgender Empowerment Board of Delhi – he contributed towards the formulation of the Transgender Persons Protection of Rights Act 2019 and Rules 2020. He petitioned the Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR), Government of NCT of Delhi, to pass an Order for the prevention of sex assignment surgeries on intersex children.

Dr Sharma was instrumental in the formulation of ISOC1, the first Indian Standards of Care for transgender healthcare. He also played a key role in creating two online certificate courses on gender education –- the introductory course for medical, paramedical, nursing and ancillary staff of healthcare facilities — under the Gender Friendly Healthcare Facility Initiative (GFHFI) and the introductory course for teachers, educationists, parents and students under the Gender Friendly Educational Institute Initiative (GFEII).

He is a member of the Technical Working Group for the transgender-specific Integrated Service Delivery package in the National AIDS Control Programme.He is also a member of the Technical Resource Group (TRG) for interventions among transgender/hijra persons under NACP phase V, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.

Dr Sharma has created a white paper on comprehensive health-related services for transgender persons. Elected as board-member-at-large of World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) in January 2020, he is the co-chair for the WPATH Book Club and is the proud recipient of the WPATH 2022 Harry Benjamin Distinguished Education Award.

He has been appointed as a member of the Guideline Development Group (GDG) for the development of the first WHO Guidelines on the health of trans and gender diverse people.

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